international conventions

The basic pol­i­cy to work on the rights of men­tal­l­ly ill peo­ple and peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties is the “Con­ven­tion on the rights of per­sons with Dis­abil­i­ties (CRPD)”:

This UN res­o­lu­tion was passed in 2006 and went into effect in 2008, was rat­i­fied by 160 coun­tries, and made the pre­vi­ous res­o­lu­tions on human rights more con­crete: they are seen less as ill, and more as equal. The con­ven­tion affects approx. 650 mil­lion peo­ple and no oth­er res­o­lu­tion was rat­i­fied so quick­ly (based on Wikipedia). It was rat­i­fied by Ivory Coast (2014). Oth­er treaties that address human rights and dis­abil­i­ties are:

  • Inter­na­tion­al Covenant on Civ­il and Polit­i­cal Rights (ICCPR)
  • Inter­na­tion­al Covenant on Eco­nom­ic, Social and Cul­tur­al Rights (ICESCR)
  • Con­ven­tion Against Tor­ture and oth­er Cru­el, Inhu­man or Degrad­ing Treat­ment or
    Pun­ish­ment (CAT)
  • Con­ven­tion on the Elim­i­na­tion of All Forms of Dis­crim­i­na­tion Against Women (CEDAW)
  • Con­ven­tion on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
  • African Char­ta on Human and Peo­ples’ Rights (1981)
  • Euro­pean Con­ven­tion for the Pro­tec­tion of Human Rights and Fun­da­men­tal Freedoms
  • Euro­pean Con­ven­tion for the Pre­ven­tion of Tor­ture and Inhu­man or Degrad­ing Treat­ment or Punishment