how to use this page

Wel­come to this mod­ern blog-page!

The core part of this web­site is the blog struc­ture on the start­ing page: the arti­cles are chrono­log­i­cal­ly sort­ed. Nor­mal­ly by the date the arti­cle, video, sci­en­tif­ic paper and so on has been pub­lished. Addi­tion­al­ly the time­line is com­plet­ed with announce­ments for events, con­gress­es et cetera. All this arti­cles are tagged with the top­ics they cov­er. For exam­ple a coun­try or the top­ic of human rights being dealt with in the arti­cle (free­dom of speech, tor­ture …). This tag­ging enables you to search for it in the search­ing box. So you can eas­i­ly find all avail­able entries about your top­ic of interest.

Sec­ond, the page has a sta­t­ic, clas­si­cal part rep­re­sent­ed by the ver­ti­cal bar at the top. There you can find the back­ground infor­ma­tion about our work.

Please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact us via Email for ques­tions or sug­ges­tions via